Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Second Grade

It's that time of year again... back to school! Tate began second grade today and his teacher's (which is the one he was hoping for) name is Miss Cox. Bless her, bless her, bless her...

He told me this morning that we could all go and drop him off but that I was to take no pictures - until the end of the school year - and couldn't hold his hand or kiss him. So, as any good mother would do I violated all but two of his requests - kind of. I took his picture in the class room but requested that his teacher be a part of it. And, I couldn't stand it and asked if I could get a quick kiss. As any wonderful son would do, he appeased me with the quickest kiss known to mankind. I loved it though!

Tate - you're the best!


Mavericks Basketball - YMCA Summer League CHAMPS

Here are a few pics from Tate's summer league championship game. The Maupin Mavericks were fantastic! I'm amazed at the improvement these boys made in just the summer months alone. They are a great bunch of boys led by a superb coach (Thanks Jason...and Angie for putting up with him!). There were a few nail biter games for the parents and grandparents but, again, I can't describe to you how these boys hustled, kept their heads in the game, and continued to play hard even when down by a few baskets heading into a few 4th periods.

Oh...and don't think that Peyton doesn't believe that she is part of the team. After every game she was in the huddle listening to Coach Jason with her hands on the pile awaiting the "go ahead" to yell, "Mavericks!"

The Keiser-Berry Clan celebrating with Tate.

Great job Mavericks! See you all again in the winter....


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Peyton displaying her creative side

One morning I hear Erik go into Peyton's room and shout, "Holy cow, what in the world happened to you?" (BTW - that is the G-rated version) As I lie there in bed, I'm visualizing that she's taken off her diaper and made an artistic impression on the walls of her room utilizing the contents that were once enclosed. Nope, not the case... As they enter the room all I can see is purple scribble all over my beautiful, porcelain skinned daughter. At that point, one can only laugh and ask - where else is it?

We're hoping that this isn't a foreshadowing event and that her interests are not going to lie in the area of body art - especially that of the permanent kind!

I'm not sure what more I can say about these next set of pictures other than... Thank goodness for washable markers!
