Saturday, May 30, 2009

Quack, Quack, ohh Park!

As some of you know and many experience frequently, summer in Texas can be a time to stay inside with the air conditioner running full blast. But, Saturday we were granted the gift of a beautiful spring day. Therefore, Erik, Peyton and I headed to feed the ducks and play in the park. She was really only interested in chasing the ducks, eating the bread herself and playing at the park - specifically swinging.

A little note to my Dad: P's going to love to go feed the ducks like I did...does that scare you?!?! :>)

YES, that's a snack headed straight into her mouth. Is anyone really surprised? =============>

Hmmm....I think I've got them now. =======>
Step 1: Distract them with bread.
Step 2: Act innocent.
Step 3: Chase!

Skipping to Step 3.... ==================>

Let the fun begin!


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