Sunday, November 30, 2008

Peyton and her Uncle Steve

Peyton couldn't just let her Uncle Steve rest after a fantastic Thanksgiving meal. So, here she is (along with a quick appearance by "Sasha") wrestling and ticky-tickying him.

As for the Sasha appearance... Sasha is the alter ego of Beyonce (so I learned over Thanksgiving from my Mom of all people) and Peyton's Nannie thought it would be cute to teach her granddaughter "the moves". Thanks Nannie!


Lets get ready to Rumble!

Looks like the boys (Tate and his cousins - Kody and Jared) are going to follow in the footsteps of their parents (and many other families) and play a "friendly" game of football on Thanksgiving. Now who says TO isn't getting enough passes... Of course, we have a little Romo to Romo action going on as well.


Romo (Kody) to TO (Tate)

Romo (Kody) to Romo (Jared)

Look who showed up for Thanksgiving - The Cowboys!

Need I say more....


Pey Pey on the Plane

This year we headed to Iowa to spend Thanksgiving with the entire Keiser family ( immediate Keiser family). We contemplated driving the 13 hours but when flight prices started going down we sought out the opportunity to fly. We knew that flying was much quicker than driving and were betting on good behavior out of our children. Tate was plugged into his portable tv or DS the entire time and we just brought along a "bag of tricks" in anticipation that we would be entertaining P the entire flight. As you can see in one of these pictures, we got a few minutes rest on the way home. Let me stress...few!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A basketball career begins for Tate

Enjoy! By the way - he's #00.

Let the Basketball Season Begin...

Tate decided he wanted to play basketball with some of his buddies from
school. So one of our baseball coaches (thank you Coach Jason) decided to take on the challenge. Let me give you some "food for thought" - none of these 6 year olds have ever played! Last night was our first game and, oh boy, was it an experience AND hilarious. The Mavericks (in red jerseys) fought a good fight but were defeated 20 -1. The highlight of the game (for us) was when Tate scored the 1 point at the free throw line. I was proud of all the boys though...they really hussled and seemed to enjoy themselves. And that enjoyment is all that really matters - right?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trick or Treat..

This year Halloween was a little less exciting than usual around our house since Erik (the head Halloween decorator) was on a big hunt. Yes, we have way too much deer meat in our freezer if anyone would like to join for dinner (please - i'm not a big fan!).
Now, back to Halloween. Here are some pictures of our Ninja and Bumble Bee. The kids had a great time and as usual LOVED dressing up. We all missed Erik though. Here's to next year and the house being "tricked up".
